Create A Shipping Order
In order for us to process your request quickly please provide as much as detail as you could.
Enter full name of the person sending a document
If shipping from commercial address, then enter name of a Company, Hotel, Hospital, School
Enter contact number of the shipper
Enter your valid e-mail address to receive shipping labels.
Enter full pickup address including door number, street name, city, town and post code.
Enter full name of a person going to receive the parcel
If delivery address is commercial then enter name of the company, hotel, hospital, school
Enter contact number of the consignee
If you are the consignee then enter your valid e-mail Address so we could contact you and use this email address to send shipping labels otherwise leave this space empty.
Select parcel destination from the list of countries.
Enter full delivery address including door number, street name, building name, floor number, town, city, post code and country
(Select Personal Effects if you are returning shipment contents including personal used clothes and used shoes back to your home country)
Select a type of your shipment
Select a package that is fit for your shipment.
Enter your package dimensions in centimeters. Length x Width x Height (Cm.)
(For example: 001 x 027 x 120)
NOTE: If the parcel is light in weight but large in size OR if the parcel is heavy but small in size then Charges will be calculated by whichever is greater.
How many packages of this type you would like to ship?
Select a type of document your shipment contain
If your shipment type is parcel, enter full detail of each item you have in the box (one item per line) (for example)
1) 10 used shirts made of 80% cotton, 20% polyester
2) 4 small boxes of chocolates, Manufacturer: Cadbury
3) 1 gold ring of 18ct with 9 ct diamond
4) 1 used Macbook Laptop with battery
5) 2 10ml hand cream lotion in plastic bottles
6) A pair of prescribed glasses. Manufacturer: VisionExpress.
Both options are tracked. Time definite delivery earlier in the daytime (if available).
Insurance - Recommended (Select Insurance option for money back guarantee for loss of your package value up to £1,000)
Enter a value of your contents (Max. £1,000) For no insurance enter 0 (zero)